For orders that have not yet shipped, there are 2 ways to change the ship-to or delivery address:
- If you have created an account on our website, logon to the account, and cancel the order from the "Orders" page. You can then place a new order and enter the new shipping address on the checkout page.
- Contact our Customer Service department. Please have your order number ready, and the complete address for the new destination.
For orders that have already shipped, we may be able to change the address, subject to confirmation by the carrier. FedEx packages have a change fee, currently $17.00. Orders shipped by US Postal Service (USPS) are not able to have the address changed once they are shipped. Freight orders may be changed, fees vary.
- To change the delivery address for shipped orders, please contact our Customer Service department. Please have your order number ready, and the complete address for the new destination.